Coinciding with the first full moon of the new Lunar year, Chokyi Gyatso Institute organized a virtual Green Tara Puja (Zabtik Drolchok) and feast offering practice to dedicate collective merit accumulated over a past one year from reciting “Vajra Guru” mantra and “the praise to Tara with Twenty-one verses of Homage” for the benefit of all beings.
A total of 167,155,167 (One hundred sixty-seven million, one hundred fifty-five thousand and one hundred sixty-seven) mantras and 1,112,626 (One million, one hundred twelve thousand and six hundred twenty-six) praises were accumulated collectively by a few hundred people from Dewathang, Thimphu, and other places across Bhutan.
The event is also to mark the Celebration of the Buddha’s Miracles–one of the four major Buddhist days that are commemorated throughout the year.